2018 AGM

Present: Sheila Whitfield in the chair plus 15 other members

1. Apologies for absence: Elizabeth B, Elizabeth S, Claire, Malcolm, Cathy, Kathleen

2. Minutes of the 2017 AGM: agreed as a true record

3. Matters arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda: none

4. Treasurer’s report and subscriptions for 2018/9: Caroline presented her report, which was accepted, and recommended that the subscription for 2018/9 should be £25. This recommendation was proposed by Phil Cook, seconded by Peter Hicks and passed without dissent.

5. Chairman’s report: Sheila presented her report, thanking those who had made the past year a successful one for the Group. The report was accepted.

6. Election of Committee for 2018/9:
The following names had been put forward:
• President – Maggie Cobbett
• Chairman – Sheila Whitfield
• Vice Chairman – Janet Barclay
• Treasurer – Caroline Slator
• Secretary – Peter Page
• Members’ Member and Competitions Secretary – Susan Perkins
It was proposed by Joe Peters, seconded by Ella Benigno and accepted without dissent that the above should be elected en bloc.

7. Programme suggestions for the coming year:
(a) Sheila made available a form on which members could record their reaction to the events of the past year and propose themes for the coming one.
(b) Susan suggested that a visit to Littlethorpe Pottery on the third Saturday in July would be a suitable subject for the 2019 outing, although it would get away from the ‘literary’ theme. The cost would be £150 for a group of 15, covering a clay pit visit and a pottery demonstration. Maggie suggested that it might be possible to use the visit as a theme for a subsequent meeting and that a booklet of pieces inspired by the visit might be made. These proposals were discussed and accepted.

8. Any other competent business: None

(Note – copies of the Treasurer’s report and the Chairman’s report will be filed with the minutes of the AGM.)

Our friendly group meets once a fortnight at the St Wilfred's Community Centre on Trinity Lane and is always open to new members from the Ripon area and beyond. Whether your interest is in poetry or prose, novels, short stories, plays, wacky humour, a more analytical style of writing, or just listening for the time being, you're very welcome.

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