The Constitution




Adopted on 10th January 2024


  1. NAME
    The Association shall be called the Ripon Writers’ Group (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Group’).


  1. AIM
    The Group shall provide a forum for those interested in all forms of writing, in which practical experience may be shared and mutual encouragement provided in a friendly, constructive and informal way.


    Membership shall be open to all aged eighteen years or over on payment of the current annual subscription. The Group may elect individuals as honorary members, without payment of the annual subscription, in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the Group. Honorary members shall be entitled to attend meetings but not to vote.


    An Annual General Meeting shall take place each November when the business shall include:
    (a) receiving the Treasurer’s statement of accounts
    (b) electing the Coordinator, Treasurer and Competitions Secretary for the following year

(c) setting the subscription rate for the coming year


(a)The Group shall be administered on behalf of the members by a Coordinator, Treasurer and Competitions Secretaryelected at each Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. These posts must be held by three different people who will normally be the authorised signatories on the Group’s bank account.All three postholders shall be eligible for re-election.

(b) The elected Postholders shall not form a Committee and all decisions relating to the Group’s affairs shall be taken by the Group as a whole.

(c) The existence of postholders shall not preclude other members undertaking tasks on behalf of the Group.


    a.Quorum: at any meeting at which a vote is taken on a matter of substance concerning the Group’s affairs, one half of the members entitled to vote shall form a quorum.
    b. Voting: subject to 6a above, matters shall be decided by a simple vote.
    c. Minutes: Minutes shall be taken of the Annual General Meeting and of the business part of any other meeting where a vote is taken on a matter of substance concerning the Group’s affairs.


    All moneys raised by or on behalf of the Group shall be used solely to defray the Group’s running costs or otherwise further its aims. The Treasurer shall maintain proper accounts of all income and expenditure and present to the Annual General Meeting a statement of accounts for the year ended. In the event of the Group’s dissolution, any moneys remaining, after the discharge of debts and liabilities, shall be applied towards any purpose agreed by members at the time that dissolution is decided.


    This constitution shall be amended only at an Annual General Meeting or after 14 days notice of the proposed changes have been given to all members.

Our friendly group meets once a fortnight at the St Wilfred's Community Centre on Trinity Lane and is always open to new members from the Ripon area and beyond. Whether your interest is in poetry or prose, novels, short stories, plays, wacky humour, a more analytical style of writing, or just listening for the time being, you're very welcome.

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